Friday, April 3, 2009


The Pieroni's are back! We have been moving into our new home these past couple of weeks and we are "P" for pumped. This "house thing" as I like to call it brings out the BEST in me. I love making interior decorating decisions (paint, flooring, kitchen cabinetry, lighting, furniture, etc). I don't want to do EVERYTHING and leave Joseph out so I left the hauling boxes and furniture for him. I throw out the occasional, "Your muscles are so BIG", "You lift that 100 pound box like a feather", "How did you lift TWO @ a time?!"

You know me = always thinkin'~


Holly Browder said...

Can't wait to see some pictures!! ;-)

Davidson Family said...

Ok, I have been wondering if you had left the blogging world??? I want to see some pics of the new house! Thanks on the comment about the girls. I love, love, love dressing them! It keeps me in trouble...oh well! I will keep doing it until they refuse. I can't believe how big Anna Riley is...she really is beautiful!!

The Fab Five said...

Yes, Baylee sang too. and now it's your turn. I'm with April, post house pics and the progress!!

BlessedMom said...

Found your blog from Holly's! We'll sure miss seeing your smiling face every week!